Kimberly A. Warren, MA, MS

Durham, North Carolina

Heron & Willow, LLC

Dog Boarding Photos: Indoors

Text Box: I have set up the space to allow each dog to feel safe in his or her own personal area.  
The gates covering all the interior doors are 36” high pressure mounted toddler gates purchased from a children’s store.   The bars are spaced at 2”.
I have set up ‘buffer zones’ so I do not enter or exit rooms where there is a dog directly into another space with a dog. This makes it impossible for one dog to rush into another’s area during a transition.
The wide doorway into the larger guest room has an additional toddler gate layered over the opening. 
All the gates can be covered with visual barriers if necessary.  The dog can see a standing human, but not another dog, and there is no nose-to-nose contact.

The large room, window seat, and ramp. 

Both rooms have SoftTiles EVA foam pad flooring

This is the smaller guest room, about  10x12.  I use this room for smaller dogs, or any dog who likes a cozier space.  The crate is easily removed if not needed.

This is the larger guest room,  about 12x18. 



Text Box: Especially for seniors:
Ramp access to house, car, and window seat
SoftTiles EVA foam padded flooring in rooms and hallways.